Wang Jianlin: Leadership Evaluation and Development Plan
Wang Jianlin, founder and chairman of Dalian Wanda Group, was born in Sichuan Province in 1954. In 1988, he founded the Wanda Group, which integrates business management, culture, real estate, investment and other industries. The enterprise assets were calculated to be 625.73 billion Yuan and the income was 214.28 billion Yuan. Wanda Group has become the most created enterprise in China for many years. In 2018, Wanda added 202,000 jobs in the service industry, including 95,000 students. China’s 280 Wanda Plazas created approximately 1.2 million service jobs. Therefore, I think this is a good leader, and this is also an effective leader.
Stage One – Research/Observation
First of all, the leader is analyzed and observed from three aspects:
1) What prompted Wang Jianlin to become a good leader?
Born in 1954, Wang Jianlin graduated from Liaoning University and served in the Chinese military from 1970 to 1986. In 1988, he founded Dalian Wanda Group. At the age of 34, and in China at the same time in the last century, making a decision to start a business is not an easy task. If the whole process of starting a business and extending it to the present is likened to a journey, then throughout the journey, Wang Jianlin never started to do business with motives to make money. Wang Jianlin said, “Never start a business just to make money. Start a business to make difference” (yosuccess, 2016). Wang Jianlin’s vision and his discipline in his career are an important part of his becoming a good leader. The management skills acquired through the company’s decades of development and growth are also the reasons for Wang Jianlin’s success, which is one of the reasons why he became a good leader.
2) What kind of leadership traits, behaviors and qualities does Wang Jianlin have?
As a successful entrepreneur, and once the richest man in Mainland China and the richest man in China, the foresight is indispensable, and he is not satisfied with the status quo. Wang Jianlin is energetic, savvy, and good at grasping opportunities. Wang Jianlin is good at making money from the growing needs of Chinese consumers, and Wanda’s project has completed 18-24 months of planning to purchase land plus construction. Wanda Group has never Projects with extensions or overspending (Tom Phillips, 2016). In 1988, Wang Jianlin founded Dalian Wanda Group with an equivalent RMB loan of about US$80,000. Wang Jianlin is a person who enforces “iron discipline” in the workplace. The company operates with rigorous military operations, and Wang Jianlin makes decisions and employees put them into practice. If they don’t do it immediately, they need to pay a fine. Wang Jianlin will examine Wang Jianlin’s sense of crisis consciousness through daily and weekly inspections of costs and profits through informatization and telecommunications systems, and he is also constantly transforming (Celine Sun, 2015). Disdain “small goal” To play with a big hand, Wang Jianlin is a man who dares to play big and big, earning 100 million in his view can only be a “small goal.” For Wang Jianlin, hardship and innovation are also the leadership qualities of him. He has been to the loan for more than 50 times before and after the loan, and Wang Jianlin’s itinerary also shows that he has already got up at 4:30; Innovatively, when Wanda Group of Wang Jianlin first made a residential house, it was the first building in Dalian, China with a bright hall, a famous guard, and a security door. This innovative initiative at the time led to a sales performance in a month.
3) How the person uses power and influence to make him an effective leader?
Wang Jianlin believes that the core of enterprise management capability is execution, and even the best strategy cannot be implemented. If you want to do something, you can always find a way; if you don’t want to do something, you can always find an excuse. Wang Jianlin manages the Wanda Group with the strictness and precision of the military, and manages the company with militarized management. The employees who violate the regulations will be fined. Wang Jianlin is not only a Chinese real estate developer; transferring investment to overseas and cultural entertainment diversifies him. The strategy coincides with the promotion of policy by the Chinese leadership to expand the cultural influence of the country overseas and domestically. The generation is increasingly turning to Western music, television and film (Michael Forsythe, 2015). The chairman of Dalian Wanda Group announced the acquisition of Legendary Entertainment in 2016, which is one of the production companies behind the “Dark Knight”, “Jurassic World” and “Godzilla” films. The $3.5 billion acquisition is the largest acquisition of an American production company in China. More importantly, the deal made the 61-year-old Chinese richest man, Wang Jianlin, have a new influence on Hollywood’s cultural landscape, and his country’s ability to project “soft power” around the world, the same AMC entertainment company’s acquisition upgrade Wang Jianlin’s image in Hollywood (DANIEL MILLER and JULIE MAKINEN, 2016). By building credibility, Wang Jianlin lets people know that when he expresses interest, it will do it somewhere, not just talking. When Wang Jianlin announced the acquisition of Legendary Entertainment, he said, “We have had a huge impact in China, but this is not enough. We must have a global perspective. (DANIEL MILLER and JULIE MAKINEN,2016)” Wang Jianlin expanded his influence through a series of acquisitions and established for Wanda Group. Clear performance targets, ensuring the company’s survival in the early days of Wanda, and integrating luck into the company’s strategy through layout, laying the foundation for subsequent development; in the development period of Wanda Group, integrating Wanda’s emotions into Wanda’s culture, and To make it solid; in the period of Wanda’s growth, the culture is infiltrated into the system, and the system is placed under the sun, and the core system concept of Wanda’s long-term difficulty is established. After clarifying the strategic goals of Wanda Group, Wang Jianlin will use reasonable authorization to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees and subordinates, so that each member can fully engage in work, and at the same time connect the work relations between the lower and upper levels and various departments; in the work environment, create A harmonious environment that allows employees to learn freely, learn lessons and apply what they have learned to practical work; share the company’s values and personal vision with the team, build a harmonious working relationship, and devote to the company’s strategy aims.
Second Stage – Leadership Development Plan
Comparing myself with the above good leader model and discovering many of its shortcomings, I need to make a leadership development plan to improve my own deficiencies and improve my leadership. Before creating a leadership development plan, I need to identify my strengths and weaknesses, and I need to ensure that I further develop my leadership strengths and improve my weaknesses.
I use Diagnostic Tools to make sure what are my leadership strengths and weaknesses,
First, I do the self-confidence test:
How Self-Confident Are You?
Indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements. Use a1-to-5 scale: (1) disagree strongly; (2) disagree; (3) neutral; (4) agree; (5) agree strongly.
Calculate my total score is 29, so I am self-confidence need strengthening.
Second, I do the team leadership skills test; this test can assess my team leadership skills:
Answer the following questions on the basis of what you have done, or think you would do, in response to the team situations and attitudes described. Check either mostly true or mostly false for each question.
In this test my score is 8, not to high, not to low, in the middle score, and in this test reflects a big gap between me and good leaders on issues pertain to cultural differences. This is my leadership disadvantage. At the same time, this test also reflects my team leadership issues involving autocracy and participation. The leadership advantages in terms of aspects and aspects related to virtual team communication.
Third test is Emotional Intelligence Test:
This test has four parts:
Social Awareness
Relationship Management
The test of Self-Awareness is a good reflection of my emotional self-awareness, accurate self-assessment and self-confidence. The scores displayed from the test results indicate that I still have a lot of room for improvement in self-awareness, which also explains my lack of influence on others.
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The test of Self-Management consists of five parts: self-control; transparency; adaptability; achievement orientation and initiative. The total score is very high. My score is only a good reflection of my ability to control my emotions and act in an honest and upright manner. I need to improve this.
The composition of social awareness testing can be divided into three parts, namely sympathy, organizational awareness and service orientation. The test reflects its instinct for sympathy for others and for organizational problems.
The test of Relationship Management analyzes testers in seven areas: visionary leadership, developing others, influence, changing catalysts, conflict management, and building ties and teamwork with others to build and maintain relationships. The test results reflect that I am far behind the good leader in relationship management and interpersonal skills with others.
Next, I do the test is– Locus of Control: Self-assessment:
In this test my score is 48, this score is 51.8 points lower than the male self-assessment questionnaire, and this also indicates that I tend to believe that uncontrollable forces, such as strong others, fate or opportunity, are responsible for what happened to me.
And then I do–Diversity Management Capability: Self-assessment
In the self-assessment test of multicultural management ability, my total score is 20 points, which belongs to 15-28, so I am a relatively tolerant person. Diversity is almost no problem for me; but I may be Broad-minded in some area, lack of tolerance in other aspects of life, such as attitudes towards older people or male/female social roles.
Next I do the test is Cultural Intelligence: Self-assessment:
In the above table, it is obvious that I have two subscale just get one or fewer “Mostly True” in 1-3 and 7-9, and a total of 9 questions only get three “Mostly True”, which proves I need to start learning more about other cultures, while honing my observation skills and learning how to understand how people from different countries can cope with the changing clues.
For the last test I do the Ability to Work under Ambiguity/Uncertainty/Change: Self-assessment:
My total score is 55, my score is ranging from 20 to 80, this has been reported. My score is more biased towards high scores. Compared with low scores, high scorers have low tolerance for ambiguity and feel comfortable in a more stable and well-defined situation, and as long as high scores are willing, individuals can go With the development of low-scoring people, this is satisfied with organizations that are rapidly changing, with unclear authority, authorization, and transfer to learning organizations.
In summary, in these tests, I determined that my leadership advantage is in communication with the virtual team, and the authoritarian and participatory team leaders have almost no problem in diversity. They are biased towards external control points and rely on others, suitable for the team, adaptable and stable in a stable and well-defined situation. Compared with my strengths, my disadvantages are more obvious. Self-confidence needs to be strengthened. Exercise observation skills and tolerance for other aspects of life (attitudes towards the elderly and male/female social roles) need to understand different cultures and learn differently. Cultural methods and methods, cultivate their own sense of responsibility, and improve their ability to adapt.
Identifying my own leadership strengths and weaknesses I will begin to create leadership development plans:
Goal # 1 | Weakness # 1 improve self-confident | Activty#1
Actively participate in club activities Activity#2 Calculate what you are doing instead of reviewing how many things you have not done Activity#3 In your own strengths, expertise, and interests, looks for the same (just enough at the beginning) to be specially cultivated and developed to make it your own specialty. |
Period 1
Every week Period 2 Every day Period 3 21 DAYS |
Fluently communicate with people of different cultures Indicator#2 Be able to consciously review what you have done, no need to remind Indicator#3 Being able to show your strengths to others with ease |
Goal # 2 | Weakness # 2 improve team leadership skills | Activty#1
Determine my leadership style Activity#2 Be honest with my biggest weaknesses Activity#3 Improve my language communication skills |
Period 1
One week Period 2 Every week Period 3 One month |
Identify which type of leader you are Indicator#2 Determine which factors can drive me progress and which are the stumbling blocks to progress Indicator#3 Ability to communicate with people of different cultures and learn about the culture |
Goal # 3 | Weakness # 3 Exercise observation ability | Activty#1
Establish observation purposes Activity#2 Develop a strong interest in observation |
Period 1
21 days Period 2 3 months |
Develop a purposeful observation, and you will clearly understand what you need to observe and what you will achieve before you observe things. Indicator#2 When observing becomes a habit |
Goal # 4 | Activty#1
Activity#2 Activity#3 |
Period 1
Period 2 Period 3 |
Indicator#2 Indicator#3 |
Stage Three – Feedback
Are the goals set out clear and achievable? | YES | ||
Are the activities set out clear and doable? | YES | ||
Are the goals aligned with the strengths or weaknesses set? | YES | ||
Are the activities aligned with the strengths or weaknesses set? | YES | ||
Is the timeframe for the activities and goals reasonable? | YES | ||
Are the measurement indicators appropriate and measurable? | UNCLEAR | ||
Would I do the same as the student? | NO | ||
Overall, is the development plan feasible/reasonable/appropriate? (e.g. does the proposed plan address the strengths and weaknesses?). | YES |
Feedback and Suggestions
This leadership development plan is feasible; the implementation of the plan depends mainly on the will and persistence of the performer. A good habit takes 21 days to develop, but a bad habit takes only one second, so the successful implementation of the plan requires firm belief, sufficient self-control and unremitting efforts to persist. The shortcoming of the plan is that the standards for measuring compliance are not clear enough, too vague, and need to be improved to develop more specific metrics.
In conclusion, compared with the excellent, effective leader, I still need to make a lot of improvements and improvements. I can’t relax for a moment of study. If I live to learn old, there is no end to learning. No best, only better,stepping in place is to regress, so let each day’s self have a little progress than the previous day, set goals for yourself, never be confused, time is like a sponge, there will always be a squeeze.
- Celine Sun, Tips from China’s richest man: Wang Jianlin shares his secrets to success as Dalian Wanda goes global, updated 6 Nov 2015, viewed 1 May 2019, <https://www.scmp.com/news/china/money-wealth/article/1876135/tips-chinas-richest-man-wang-jianlin-shares-his-secrets>
- Tom Phillips, Chairman Wang: ‘It’s about the process of pursuing wealth’, updated 6 July 2016, viewed 5 May 2019, <https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jul/15/chairman-wang-jianlin-process-of-pursuing-wealth>
- Inspiring Success Story of Wang Jianlin, updated 4 October 2016, viewed 2 May 2019, <https://www.yosuccess.com/success-stories/wang-jianlin-dalian-wanda-group/>
- Michael Forsythe, Wang Jianlin, a Billionaire at the Intersection of Business and Power in China, updated April 28 2015, viewed 3 May 2019, <https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/29/world/asia/wang -jianlin-abillionaire-at-the-intersection-of-business-and-power-in-china.html>
- DANIEL MILLER and JULIE MAKINEN, Wang Jianlin boosts his influence in Hollywood with Legendary deal, updated 13 JAN 2016, viewed 5 May 2019, <https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-wang-wanda-20160113-story.html>