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Free Essays International Studies

2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Ethical, Legal, and Political Implications

Share this: Facebook  Twitter  Reddit  LinkedIn  WhatsApp   On March 11, 2011, a massive tsunami caused by a 9.0-magnitude megathrust earthquake off the coast of Japan devastated coastal communities and triggered a nuclear reactor meltdown. Japan is no stranger to earthquakes (Samuels, 2013). It lies near the Pacific tectonic plate and on the intersection of the Eurasian, Philippine, and North American […]

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Free Essays International Studies

Ackerman’s Neoliberal Argument on the Causes of Corruption

Share this: Facebook  Twitter  Reddit  LinkedIn  WhatsApp   Critically evaluate the following statement by Susan Rose-Ackerman (1996):   ‘The level of corruption is a function of the honesty and integrity of both public officials and private individuals. With these factors held constant, the size and incidence of bribe payments are determined by the overall level of benefits available, the riskiness of […]

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Free Essays International Studies

A company operating

A multinational sometimes known as transnational, is a company operating out of its origin country which involves one or more countries. Multinational corporations growth in alliances, joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions, but this will cause consumers to recognize the brand, rather the parent company. Shell, Caltex, ExxonMobil, Nokia, McDonalds, Toyota, Nestle, Sony, Microsoft corporations […]

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Free Essays International Studies

A Comparative Analysis of the Secessions of Iceland and Norway

Share this: Facebook  Twitter  Reddit  LinkedIn  WhatsApp   The nature of secessions and the measure of their eventual success is heavily dependent on context and the political climate from which they emerge. Academics such as J. R. Wood have developed the study of secessions into a complex set of theories and frameworks through which this political phenomenon may be explained, and […]

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Free Essays International Studies

Analysis of Brotherton’s Theories of Hospitality

Introduction: Brotherton Brotherton investigates the issues lying at the depth of what professional scholars and experts convey; it is indirectly addressed to being good neighbours and its administration. It basically audits the definitions and points of view on these basic issues referred in the modern day accommodation, a clear perspective of what “accommodation handling” potrays. […]

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Free Essays International Studies

Analysis of Indonesia’s GDP and Food Production Industry

Share this: Facebook  Twitter  Reddit  LinkedIn  WhatsApp   FOOD PRODUCTION: QUESTIONING DEVELOPMENT Tea plantation in Indonesia gives the strength to the country’s capita. As Indonesia is a developing country, the farmer’s family does not have sufficient nutrition for their family so the life expectancy and income is low. Moreover, the tea export to foreign countries can increase the income of Indonesia, […]

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Free Essays International Studies

Analysis of Uganda’s Decentralization Programme

Choose a particular development policy or intervention in Uganda that you have touched upon during your pathway lecutorials and discuss what are the key factors that will determine whether this policy or intervention will successfully achieve its development aims? You should draw on the relevant theoretical and country-specific literature to construct your argument. Introduction Since […]

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