Managing and leading People
Leader can simply be defined as;
“Leaders go first. They set an example and build commitment through simple, daily acts that create progress and momentum. Leaders model the way through personal example and dedicated execution”
So, leader in any prospective define his/her first moment of truth that what is he/she doing and it’s a truth or not? Leadership is a natural phenomena and it by birth ability which will be define in the discussion paragraph.
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Leadership, especially, is very much about doing what is correct for the situation and the people involved in it. Causal such elasticity and separation of response, however, must be a steadiness of values and ground rules, if the leader’s professional creditability is to remain the crucial source of authority. Creditability, in turn, in the role of a leader, goes beyond professional reliability and competence.
In this assignment, our topic is to examine how the domains of wellbeing can become the cultural norm within an organization and the extent to which transformational leadership is the driver for the embedding of the domains of wellbeing. Therefore I need to consider issues associated with trust, emotional intelligence, the psychological contract, the emotional connection between leaders and employees. The main aspect of this question is how transformational leadership can facilitate and or drive emotional and psychological wellbeing which could in turn improve performance (through high performance working).
Reviewed experiences, over many years, in various leadership roles and in a variety of very different pitches, definitely confirms that the interaction of nature and nature is the obvious core element in the development of personality and, as a result, leadership style. But it is also very much a matter of what we do with the hand of cards that we have been dealt and what we, as individuals, make of ourselves, by frequently learning from our experience and the resultant self-development and professional renewal, for which we are each personally and ultimately accountable.
We frequently came across in fact ordinary managers doing pretty extraordinary things as leaders and producing outstanding results with their teams, but we also repeatedly saw so many instances of where acceptable performance could quite easily have been raised to outstanding levels, but for the want of intelligent, daring and fully occupied close-quarter leadership.
The aim of this assignment is to focus on the capability bunches that our work suggests are crucial in the world of business and to offer ways in which such understanding and ‘do-how’ might be further developed. The competencies, critical though they are, need to be exercised for most favourable impact with in an organization, as the outcomes of a shared leadership attitude, determined by at least five fundamental activities.
1. Personal steadiness, discipline and truthfulness
2. Narrow-mindedness of patchiness
3. A concern to build mutual trust
4. Focussed passion for the business
5. appreciation of the critical importance of emotional brainpower, in leadership.
(Michael Williams (2005) leadership for leaders)
So, we will clearly discus about transformational leadership and some relations which are between leader and employee, discuss in detail below and what strengths must be in a leader due to which he can easily promote his work and above Michael explained about fundamental which we will discuss in depth as well.
There are three different types of talents in which we can categories different diversities and hundred of people’s roles which can be identify in these categories;
Striving Talent: In this type we can reflect an individual’s talent of motivation, and constrain, including among others. We can say that in this strength a need creates in human to get, to win, to outshine, or to be busy in to provide services to others.
Thinking Talent: This second category of talent in which we see that how people think or how they appraise the options open for another peoples! Or how that type of people create verdicts and either their thinking is prearranged and regimented for the people, or weather this type talent people prefer the pleasure of making up their mind till the last moment! This type of talented people called thinking talent leader.
Relating Talent: this type of category includes understanding, the ability to commence and assemble relationships, high own and interpersonal consciousness and the ability to inspire and manipulate others.
These cluster of talents shows an individual personally reflect and they are very much close to their high level of talent. And this type of individuals seeks for the management because these abilities can make a profitable organization under the exclusive work of employees. And many types of category in which these type of individual can survive or grow like;
in a technical or functional field, general management field, autonomy or independence field, security or stability field, entrepreneurial or creative field, service or dedication to a cause, purely challenged field, lifestyle accomplishment etc.
These are the major fields in which these types of individuals can grow more efficiently then other fields.
Talent or Talented people can be define in these ways,
Continuously demonstrate outstanding ability he achieve goals out of his range or with in his ground in which he is expert / experienced. In priority a leader has it’s a way by his physical actions and this ability is the main strength should be in his/her personality and looks noble because generally we sketch the personality through appearance and physical body activity which a leader shows first look and create the personality in mind. And this characteristic counts “Introspection”
Again and again show high skill in those strongly transferable areas where they are on testing to show or perform or prove their self to be highly motivated or potential.
Managerial perception most likely begins with the recognition that there is no one “right” style of leading and managing. But the new standard manager is mostly acting in the role of transformational leader.
But according to the center of creative leadership that those companies which use up capital for the development of the leaders actually they wants to improve their bottom-lined financial performances, magnetize and retain their talent, constrain a performance culture and want to increase their organizational agility.
Today’s market is competitive and volatile. To be successful, our business needs to be dynamic and ahead of our competitors. In order to accomplish this we need strong leaders within every business unit driving innovation and efficiency. Having leaders with focus, motivation, and the ability to drive change throughout our workplace will allow us to accomplish our goals.
-Molly McKenna, director, GSI education & training, Thomson Reuters.
Explanation of the above mention article is; in this era the market is very much broad in a sense that there are many types of same professionals are available in the market but to make a successful business we should invest on that leader or manager which has an extra capabilities which understand the market scenario and has a capability to make more profitable business through the skills which we have discussed before in this assignment and make their employees more potential with the understanding with trust, the emotional pact, poignant understanding, etc.
Leaders have got to have the teamwork of their followers. That type of leaders which use force, fear and manipulate or underestimate to others they basically not a leader and they can never do a smart work and can’t grow the business.
I will give you the example of a good leader like US President Barrack Obama could not have been elected if the voters do not share his belief in the necessity of change in American politics. So, I realize that he is a good example that how to treat others and like that for good leader that how to treat or understand his employees.
Another example from the history; that Abraham Lincoln could not have pursued the civil war if enough followers did not share his goals of preserving the union and ending slavery. So, I think that leadership is nothing more than motivating his employers. It means that leaders must have the skill but first he should understand employees’ mentality that at what stage you have to choose to deliver your concept or theory. He is I think like a teacher which teaches his student but before teaching first he understand that what the students caliber and how I have to deliver my lecture or how I have to maintain.
Something should be come naturally in leader’s personality like a pleasant attitude with his/her clients this is a major thing which attracts the customers or followers or employees. And another popular training or teaching methods for leader should be;
Famous speakers
Formal education
How to manuals
Internet guides
Job shadowing
Off-side conferences
On-site workshops
Don’t try to teach too many new procedures at once. Training should be an ongoing process. You probably didn’t learn your job in a day. Make sure you show patience and a willingness to answer questions. Be realistic in your expectations.
(Ferguson-third edition in Career skills library-LEADERSHIP SKILLS)
All the above mentioned aspects make through only through the culture which is a very important part because business ideas or perceptions comes and go but only one concept which always seems to have come to stay and that is only “Culture” and organizational culture which makes or develop by the leader and in many of the companies generates by their CEOs and the fundamental issue is how to preserve and cultivate and make sure the well-being and success of the team. But some indicators which can make a possible grow in the field or in organization which creates a good culture like;
Self regulation
(Cranwell-ward, bacon, Mackie (2002) Inspiring Leadership)
So, these tactics creates good environment in the organization. 1st tactic is the most important because all circumstances (well dressed, appereance,attribute,company’s prospectives or rules and regulations) are a part but leader have to keep up in his/her mind and the second tactic, which must be regarding to your target or goal which you have to perform in any circumstance or in any crucial environment and third one tactic relates to your personal perception which you have to categorized accordingly in a part of your mind which standards or principles should be appropriate, fourth tactic is about high opinion, admiration and about the best opinion which leader should always be in a mind and always before start of any task job or goal and the fifth tactic means to maintain your and your co-workers self-importance. Give work Satisfaction with delight and pleasure because satisfaction is the most important part and the last tactic of leaders for creating a good culture is to up to date your personal rules, directives and use the leadership’s parameter at any task or target.
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A leader has an ability to coach of those who work with him/her. He/she will find that they will work better and will respond you as compare to before coaching. As in the honorable world, coaching is a good way for helping people to improve their talent and achieve their goal with full potential. Successful coaching by leader gives many more benefits, it’s not the financial result which you invested in your training or coaching but also the productivity increases after this coaching, and ability of consideration decisions rises and as well the motivation or inspiration be increase. And when leader time to time give training or coach to his/her employees, leader be aware of his/her employee’s nature and it makes easy to communicate more sincerely and more easily.
You will get more efficient feedback and proactive listening skill and clear-cut language all contribute to coachee’s stock of relationship construction tools which, when focused on the business, can increase inspiration to create and improvement and add genuine bottom line value.
(A & C Black. London (2008) Lead Others Effectively-steps to success)
In all over the world any coaching dialogue, leaders will always need to show admirable listening expertise. As mentioned above that through the active listening you can easily understand your employees and you can target and make your more profitable business through the employee’s understanding, can create your blind trust, touching intelligence, well the major part is the emotional agreement, as well you create diversification (means; Many types of culture compile in one culture through the brilliant understanding and make a relax able environment for all) and make or shape them in one group or team and then you can masterly convey your massage or to coach them and can do straight talk in a reliable and consistent pattern and can get a maximum profit and increase revenue it day by day.
It has been realized through efficient decision making inventive problem solving from a leader that decision making Leadership is purely a core managerial and leadership responsibility. Developing decision is basically to abstract a way of action through his compass of the boundary and to make alternative decision options. The decision makes only one time with the help of required commit resources for the change to add some new.
Central to decision-making is the element of choice among alternative course of actions. A decision is therefore a chosen course of action from alternatives (Harrison 1996)
Means, a leader should has the capability to perform different types of or many another more choices of performing to do a work or task which through decision given so the decision maker always take that decision which can give you many ways to resolve or to act upon it.
So, the course of action should be prominent and understandable and it makes the way if take loss then what will be! Because the market value can be change at any time so, the main objective which have on front side that is cultural value that in which environment and what are the circumstances and how to maintain and grow in the given portfolio and another capabilities add which we have already discussed above then take the decision because these would not only be words but also a complete task or compiled track which has to be used in the many course of actions.
A “Leader” can do a “best leadership” when mentally and physically leader will be relaxed and will maintain or balance his life. On discussed topic, Angus I. McLeod wrote in his book self-coaching leadership that;
When we consider life-balance it is helpful to set up some areas for introspection. Here is a typical list;
Rest and holidays
Eating out
Physical activity
Family life
Personal growth
Faith activities
Contribution to others
Environment of home (Angus I. McLeod (2007) Self-Coaching Leadership)
So, according to McLeod theory a best transformational leader should follow these instructions in life balancing which are very important and plays a positive role in the life. It shines your strengths gently and makes your leadership activity more attractive.
Leadership is not a situation or a position in an organization but it is a sense of responsibility, the planning and homework are the essence of a good management and the most important due to which you can inspire and make a space in their hearts or lead the peoples is nothing except “Respect”. If you are not personally attached to your own self so you can not teach or coach others which would be a harmful and worse for you. So, your internal abilities like your skills and expertise makes you the right if you have for the designated role and control your emotions and feelings but understand and utilize them in that way that others inspire from you and give you better response which you wants then they will give you a better response and grow the business which you wants from them. This is called a leadership skill or Style to which you built your good skilled team and develop them and this developing creates team and action called “Team Development”.
You motivate your team and shine their strengths on individual but in a team and make them in passion over a longer life frame. But the leader must to know the balancing of his life and their follower’s life so that they do work without stress and makes a healthy environment without any conflict between followers and the leader. In this time this is not a practice how you have to perform the task but also the time ask that how quickly has to resolve the matter so the above discussed leadership qualities and their attributes are the most important and the basic thing in all the criteria “culture” whether in or out side the organization.
Anthropologists kluckhohn and Kelly (1945, p.97) have defined “Culture” as ‘all the historically created designs for living, explicit and implicit, rational, irrational, and non rational, which exist at
any given time as potential guides for the behaviour of men. Culture is the man-made part of the environment”.
And there are so many different concepts about culture from different researchers and philosophers. Culture actually makes from the incorporated model from human knowledge, their behaviors and faith and it only consists of verbal communication, and faith.
Encyclopedia Britannica, fifteenth edition, 1991, “Culture consists of language, ideas, beliefs, customs, taboos, codes, institutions, tools, techniques, work of art, rituals, ceremonies, and other related components”.
Bjorn Bjerke (1999) Business Leadership and Culture
So, culture has been defined in many ways. But it’s much important and play marvelous role in transformational leadership. Culture is an organism of communal symbols and meanings.
In short: a good leader is a best transformational leader which can understand employee’s nature / psychological wellbeing and all the circumstances through his all capabilities and make them a good source for the improving of working.
Peter Honey (1999) Improve your people skills-second Edition
Alan Hooper & John Potter (2001) Intelligent Leadership-creating a person for change
Michael Williams (2005) leadership for leaders THOROGOOD
Bjorn Bjerke (1999) business leadership and culture
Ferguson (2009) Career Skills Library-LEADERSHIP SKILLS-third edition
John Adair (2003) The Inspirational Leader
Angus McLeod (2007) Coaching Leadership
Gillian Watson and Stephanie c.reissner(2010) Developing Skills For Business Leadership
A & C Black. London(2008)Lead others Effectively-steps to success
Cranwell-Ward, Bacon, Mackie (2002) Inspiring Leadership-staying afloat in turbulent times