Impact of Globalization on Vietnam
- Introduction
Globalization has brought many huge benefits to Vietnam and many countries all over the world. In particular, globalization has removed the boundaries of trade to create a free trade environment to allow the goods and services to be exchanged internationally. However, even though globalization has contributed to the development of Vietnam on all aspects of life, it also brought several challenges that threaten to the growth of Vietnam. In particular, this article intends to discuss the shortage of the health workers that damages to the improvement of Vietnam as well as to evaluate and demonstrate the effect of the challenge to the nation. Moreover, this essay deems to focus on generating the strategies, actions, boundaries and the values to solve the problem of the health worker’s shortage in recent years. In addition, it is noted to present the technologies that need to change the current challenge.
- Background
- Globalization and the emergence of health worker’s shortage
In the 21st century, it has opened a new century of the technology and the Internet, which enables people all around the world to connect and exchange information easily. It is the results of the rapid globalization process, which empowers people to reduce their manual effort and change the method of working by applying machines, technologies and robots (Dawad & Jobson 2011). However, it seems that in the health care industry of Vietnam, it has been facing an emerging issue that many healthcare institutions lack employees and workers seriously.
2.2. The nature of shortage nurse and nursing opportunity for students
In fact, it can link to the fact that globalization has created an opportunity for Vietnamese students to go abroad to study and work in the healthcare industry. Moreover, compared to other industry such as trade, business, it appears that the salary rate of the healthcare industry is much lower, therefore, the students seem not to choose to work in the healthcare industry (Gilmore et al. 2017). In addition, with the growth of the globalization, a number of people that need the healthcare services are increasing sharply, hence it significantly influences to the shortage of the health worker. Besides, it is believed that with the shortage of the healthcare employees, it creates many job opportunities for the nursing students to get a job immediately after their graduation at a competitive salary rate. In other meanings, when the shortage of healthcare workers come as a challenge, it enables the workers to attend in many short- training courses of the healthcare such as nursing to improve their abilities and skills to meet the demand of Vietnam’s society of healthcare labor workforce (World Health Organisation 2010).
- The Adaptive Challenge of Shortage Nursing Resource and Nursing Opportunity
3.1. Strategies to address the challenge
To minimize the shortage of the health worker, the government of Vietnam has issued many strategies and acts to encourage students and workers to enter into the healthcare industry. First and foremost, the government has motivated students by providing many scholarships and loans with low interest. It illustrates that students are provided the free training and learning courses to gain their skills and knowledge to meet all requirements of this industry (McVeighm et al. 2016). Moreover, many healthcare institutions have increased the payment rate and provided many other benefits to keep the talented workers to stay longer.In addition, the stakeholders of the healthcare organizations also invested money in order to create a working environment with many devices and equipment to encourage the workers to donate to the development and sustainability of the health industry (World Health Organisation 2015).
3.2. Actions needed to address the challenge
In fact, the actions are addressed to essentially contribute to the sustainability of the healthcare and increase the number of workers to overcome the challenge. In particular, it is stressed that many free training and learning sections should be provided deeply with many practical learning outcome to gain the skills and ability of the workers (Kaplan et al. 2012). What’s more, the stakeholders should increase many promotion chances to motivate students to learn and enter into this industry for their future career. The government also takes some notices to help them find a suitable job when students graduate to contribute to the sustainability of the healthcare’s labor workforce.
3.3. Boundaries that need to be crossed
The boundaries that need to be crossed seem to relate to the payment rate and job opportunities when students graduate. In fact, in Vietnam, when these students finish their study, they find it hard to get a suitable job with a well-paid salary to balance their life and their work performance. Moreover, the payment rate of health care job appears to be lower than other jobs since it demotivates students to follow this path (Penny et al. 2007). The society of Vietnam seems not to encourage young people to follow this career since the major parents want their children to study in business, trade and medicine industry to get high incomes. Besides, many businesses in Vietnam offer a low salary for healthcare workers and the government has not shown their role to encourage young people to follow the path of becoming a healthcare worker.
3.4. Values that need to be shifted
The values that need to be shifted and celebrated are considered to be the sustainability of all aspects of lives. It refers the fact that the sustainability of the healthcare industry that all people are treated and cared to improve their health. Students are able to find a suitable job, to have a certain income that allows them to live and to raise their family. People in Vietnam will no longer be living in the poverty and children will have all full rights to live, to explore and to enjoy their lives in a healthy and safe environment (World Health Organisation 2011). Children have rights to access to the education system to remove the illiteracy and they are deserved to live a happy life.
- Role of technologies
Technology plays an important role to change the current situation, to empower people to go further to reduce the impacts of many diseases and advance the human effort to change the world to become a better place (Dieleman et al. 2011). In general, it is noted that the government of Vietnam should implement the innovation of new technologies in order to reduce the effort of healthcare workers to serve patients and increase their performance as well. In addition, the stakeholders of these organizations are able to use the technologies to provide the practical training sections to improve the skills and abilities of the workers to keep them stay longer. It is noted that using technologies to advance the infrastructure of these organizations also encourages the employees to work at these places (Magallona & Datangel 2012).
- Conclusion
To sum up, this article has generated all given tasks to identify and demonstrate the issues of the shortage of health worker in recent years in Vietnam. The background of the challenge was also presented to provide a deep understanding of the current challenge in Vietnam. It also pointed out several strategies, actions and boundaries that deeply and obviously clarify the adaptive challenges of nursing resources in Vietnam. Besides, it provided a general look of the role of the technologies to help the nation to solve the challenges.
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