Factors for Leadership, Management and Delegating
Define the differences between leadership and management
Even though leadership and management may seem the same they have different meanings. Leadership is when a person has people to follow them. But, management is when a person has people who work from them. Even though these two terms have different meanings they actually help each other out, because a good manager has leadership traits in themselves. Through this page we will learn what the difference between leaders and mangers are.
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We first start off with leadership and the responsibilities that comes with this important role in life. Leadership instills vision for their followers, they do this by introducing a dream or vision first, and then find a way to bring it to reality. As one article a read recent stated, “Leaders paint a picture of what they see as possible and inspire and engage their people in turning that vision into reality” (Arruda 2016). So as can see in leader is usually there for the long haul while managers do not them mostly think of for the short term. Managers also depend on other ways and methods that they did in the past.
In conclusion, leadership and management are important roles in the business world. Even though they go together in management they are different in there ways of thinking. Such as leaders provide the vision, they create and issue goals that need to be met. While managers follow these instructions to meet goals. If a manager has these leadership traits, he or she will be more effective and successful for a manager’s position.
Define the various form of participative leadership
With participative leadership it allows employees, customers and even family members to an input on different ways and ideas, on how to finalize decisions. Even, if their inputs not used, this gives them a chance to voice their opinions. This is really important to a company because sometimes, employees are looking into situations in an opposite way that can make the situation better. This is good because consumers, and clients are the people that keeps businesses flourishing. If a business is selling products, good, or services they need the customers and clients. Also, it is always a good way to get their opinions and see if they are satisfied or see if they can be better serviced. There are also different forms participative leadership and two forms are representative participation and participatory management.
Representative participation, allows a group of employees to get involved to make the organizational decisions. In this form of participation it allows the employees to voice their opinion on work related issues, duties and decisions but through one appointed person. This employee becomes the voice for a group of employees but they take all the employees opinions and bring it forward. On the hand we have another type called participatory management which focuses more on subordinates and there direct supervisor or manager. This allows subordinates to go directly to their supervisor as one to help with decision in their area of work and work duties. Participatory management can relieve a lot of stress on supervisors and help a team meet their goals effectively and in a timely manner.
Also in participative leadership we have four types of decision making, democratic, collective, autocratic, and consensus. In the democratic it allows for equal participative decision making, which encourages employees to voice their input, but the final decisions will be made by the higher ups or leaders. Collective decision making, is a group decision, and the group of employees or followers will be responsive and take accountability for their decisions. Autocratic decision making, is the brainstorming process, which allows employees, followers, consumers, and event family members to voice their opinion, but the final decision is made by the leader or the higher ups. Autocratic, focuses on goals, while democratic focused on the people. The last is consensus decision making, which allows the group to take full control to make decisions and all responsibility is on the group.
Discuss the specific traits related to leadership effectiveness
To be an effective leader one should have some of the following traits. They should be emotional stable, enthusiastic, self-assured, dominant, conscientious, socially bold, tough-minded and compulsive. These traits came from a personality test developed by Raymond Cattel in 1954 and it was based on military leaders. He thought that these traits even if based on military leaders would be essential and used to determine traits of an effective leader. So with these traits in mined in order to be an effective leader, one must be able to stay focus and think fast in a stressful situations. Most leaders are competitive people, and are not afraid of a challenge. They are usually confident in one-self, and in their decisions to implement a personal or business goals. Leaders are also usually people persons who love to interact with people from various walks of life. Leaders also strive to have high integrity and values are very important traits a leader should have to be effective. In today’s world though leaders need more of just the basic traits that were discussed.
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In the future leaders should be able to help others and see them envision the future. They should also possess traits to motivate people to see the future in the same way. In order for a leader to do this they need a second set of traits. These traits are charisma, empathy, team orientated, and intuitive. The reason they need this is because leaders now a days put in long hours and they will not a lot of energy. Also, in today’s business world team work is very highly emphasized so you will need to be able to work as team. In most interview’s now a days the question “can you work in a team environment is asked in the top five questions. Also, leaders need to be empathetic to other people, to allow themselves to imagine if they were in this person’s situation. Charisma, helps leaders bring out strong emotions in their employees. This helps them come closer together. A good leader will use these traits to help motivate their employees to execute companies and work goals.
So as you can see the big five personality traits, are very important for leaders to be effective too. These traits consist of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. With the openness traits consisting of imagination and insight. This can be helpful so leaders can envision and implement new visions for the future of the company. While conscientiousness traits are, the thoughtfulness and considerate side of a leader. Extraversion is the social, and people person side of a leaders being able to own the room. Then there is the trait of agreeableness which is a trait of kindness, trust and affection. Those leaders that possess high traits of this are more cooperative then others and can get along with people. In contrary people with a low level of this are manipulative in their competitiveness. So in conclusion while four of the five are good leaders, neuroticism is not. To be an effective you need to have a lower level of neuroticism traits and these traits are characterized by sadness, irritability, and moodiness.
Discuss the benefits and risks of delegation. When and how should leader delegate tasks?
Delegation can be very difficult thing to learn because it means you are giving up some power to others below. When you delegate assignment you trying to improve you time management. The main reason delegation can be tough is cause you need to be able to trust people with their assignments. For example in the retail business field a manager is likely to delegate takes to subordinates in Walmart, this will help the manager to interact with customers and let his team handle certain situations that is usually handled by the manager. By delegating managers are able to save corporations money, and my even allow manager to be ahead of schedule for productivity. This also helps the subordinate to build up their skills and to build trust between management and the team. Although, delegation can prove to be effective, if you have the wrong subordinate or miscommunicate this can be very disastrous. When a leader delegates task by experience, efficiency, flexibility, and the subordinate that is able to balance workloads. Also, depending on how big your team is some may have specialized skills and enough experience to effectively do their job that is delegated to them. Also, a good team will teach others how to do it so if there is an absence there would not be a delay. This is always a good thing for companies because it frees up time for management to deal with more important task for the greater good of the company.
Work Cited
- William Arruda, (Arruda, 2016) Forbes
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamarruda/2016/11/15/9-differences-between-being-a-leader-and-a-manager/#7d14f4764609