Factors Affecting Global Security: Gun Violence, Terrorism and Racial Discrimination
This article describes the issue of world security and then analyses the factors affecting global safety. This research focuses on three related factors of global security that are ‘gun violence’, ‘terrorism’ and ‘racial discrimination’. The study tries to find the potential internal correlation between these factors and world security, and also gives some measures for this topic.
Current Issue
Currently, it is true that the world is not safe nowadays, because there are many negative incidents that is happening every day all over the world. There could be several reasons why it is necessary to do this research. First of all, it is thought that global security is extremely important for the economy. A good economy relies on a peaceful social environment, and businesses and trades would be destroyed during wars. Beside the developing countries, even in the developed countries, violence is a significant factor in financial development. For instance, the USA had a long period of an economic downturn after ‘9-11 Attack’. So researching world security could accelerate global economic development and raise the life quality of the public.
Gun violence is a big global problem and there are various reasons why it could be a serious issue. Firstly, there are too many guns in the world which are like a flood in communities. According to the data from an organization, the world population is 7.7 billion but there are more than 1 billion guns (Gun violence – key facts, n.d.), which means that on an average of at least one in seven people have a gun. Secondly, poorly enforced laws and regulations have led to a boom in gun crime. In terms of gun-related death rates in some countries, Latin America and South Africa are the worst affected. The economy in these nations is very poor and the governments of these countries have few measures to control the gun number. So, bad economy, poor education, high quantity gun number, and limited regulations are the reasons of this problem.
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Terrorism is a complex issue because there are too many factors contributing to terrorism. Life pressure, seeking freedom and the revenge of the oppressed class would be the main reasons for terrorism. For example, the ‘September 11 Attacks’ occured because of the revenge of the Islamic Terrorist. Furthermore, it should be noted that there is no single individual attacker who has no connection with others. It is detectable and observable that lone-actor terrorists have regular connections to a wider pressure group, social movement or terrorist organization (Gill, Paul; Horgan, John; Deckert, Paige, 2014). So terrorism is not an individual problem, but a group one.
Racial discrimination has various reasons why it has happened, such as racial superiority, national identity, and wars. Firstly, racial superiority and national identity would be the main reason. For the sake of an economic question, a number of different national studies had been done on racial tolerance by two Swedish economists (Max Fisher, 2013). They made a fascinating map which describes the racial toleration of different countries around the world. India and Jordon, for example, are the least tolerant countries and more than 40% of respondents refuse a different race neighbour to live beside them. People in these two nations have very serious emotions about racial superiority and national identity. Another factor why people do not like to live with other race neighbours is war, which takes a deep hurt mentally on both sides for a long time. So, racial superiority, national identity and the impact of wars might be the main reasons of racial discrimination.
Although ‘gun violence’, ‘terrorism’ and ‘racial discrimination’ are likely to be separate causes, it is believed that they have a strong internal potential connection. First, weapons are a great hindrance to the progress of human civilization, especially to the communication of society. These out-of-control gun violence have led to increased mistrust between each other, particularly between different races or difficult cultures. This rising distrust leads to a deeper gap in communication between different races. Bullying, oppression, persecution would come very soon when this communication gap has become deep enough. After that, the oppressed races would have to rebel and take revenge, and they usually use terrorist attack as a weapon against the perpetrators. A terrorist attack usually would need guns and that always leads to more serious gun crime problems. It is like a weird circle, which every factor would have the influence to others.
In order to keep our world safe, it is necessary to deal with these three problems. There are three solutions for government. First, stricter laws and more comprehensive regulation should be done by governments of every country. Secondly, every vulnerable group should be cared for. Governments should give more help to these groups, and provide the education equally. Governments in every country should encourage companies to give job opportunities to the weak group through the preferential tax policy. Finally, every government in the world should join hands to fight against terrorist organizations.
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Similarly, there is some advice to individuals. The first one is that people should respect and understand others’ culture. Everyone has the right to have their own tradition. Subsequently, individuals should improve self-cultivation and not be prejudiced against others. People should read more books as much as possible as they can.
In conclusion, ‘gun violence’, ‘terrorism’ and ‘racial discrimination’ are the main factors for the world security problem. They have a strong internal potential connection. Governments and individuals should take actions to deal with these problems together.
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