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Mathematical Learning in the Early Years

Introduction This is a well known fact that the early years of a child’s life are very important in terms of their emotional and social development, their general well being and their intellectual, emotional and physical growth. Almost all the children develop at different paces and what they learn takes place in the first three […]

What are that iteration methods compare different iterative method?

Share this: Facebook  Twitter  Reddit  LinkedIn  WhatsApp   What are that iteration methods compare different iterative method? What are the iteration methods? An iterative method is a powerful device of solving and finding the roots of the non linear equations. It is a process that uses successive approximations to obtain more accurate solutions to a linear system at each step. Such […]

Computable Numbers: The Turing Machine

Louise Scupham This essay will explore the Turing machine and its relationship with computable numbers and an introduction to real numbers of various types. I will offer an explanation of the reasons why a number may or may not be considered computable through the use of the concept of countable sets and what makes a […]

Conic section

Conic Section The names parabola and hyperbola are given by Apolonius. These curve are infact, known as conic sections or more commonly conics because they can be obtained as intersections of a plane with a double napped right circular cone. These curves have a very wide range of applications in fields such as planetary motion, […]

Construction Of Real Numbers

most branches of economics such as calculus and probability theory. The concept that I have talked about in my project are the real number system. 2 Definitions Natural numbers Natural numbers are the fundamental numbers which we use to count. We can add and multiply two natural numbers and the result would be another natural […]

Correlation of Mathematics With Other Subjects

“No subject is ever well understood and no art is intelligently practiced, if the light which the other studies are able to throw upon it is deliberately shut out.” – RAMONT What is correlation? The meaning of term ‘correlation’ in simplest form is “connect” or “to be connected”. More precisely, ‘Correlation’ means mutual relation of two or […]

Correlation the Number of the Students’ College Applications and Consumption of Caffeine

Share this: Facebook  Twitter  Reddit  LinkedIn  WhatsApp   Correlation the Number of the Students’ College Applications and Consumption of Caffeine Introduction and statement of intent: Students are exposed to a lot of stress during the college admissions process. These increased stress levels come with some negative consequences like the increase in consumption of caffeine. The objective of this academic project is […]

Definite integral

DEFINITE INTEGRAL Integration is an important concept in mathematics which, together with differentiation, forms one of the main operations in calculus. Given a function ƒ of a real variable x and an interval [a, b] of the real line, the definite integral, is defined informally to be the net signed area of the region in […]

Derivation and Geometry of the Catenary Curve

Mathematics SL Derivation and Geometry of the Catenary Curve Table of Contents Introduction 1 The Catenary Curve 1-2 Geometry and Defining Variables 3-5 Derivation 5-7 Application 8-9 Conclusion 9 Bibliography 9-10 Introduction ————————————————— My biggest interest has always been art and design. Both my brother and my dad work in construction which introduced me to […]

Difference of Squares of Two Natural Numbers

Introduction Mathematics, a subject of problem solving skills and applications, has wide usage in all the fields. Basic skills of mathematical applications in number systems used even in day – to – day life. Though calculators and computers have greater influences in calculations, still there is a need to find new easy methods of calculations […]