
Article Critique

What Is Article Critique and Importance Of It?

During student life or in the long academic career, a student needs to write a number of essays or they need to attempt several pieces of articles. Article Critique is one of those, which is a paper where you can present the evaluation of an essay or article. Generally, this is another essay with analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of the text with a complete description of questions that occur like why? How well is the writing?

Article critique is the complete critical analysis of an article and it is not just the concise summary. Here, you need to put both the negative and the positive points of the essay. However, writing an article critique can be tough for students who are dealing with it for the first time. They can try to learn how to prepare an article critique or ask help with custom essay writing service on hand online.

When you are attempting the article critique, you need to follow the standard essay writing format. You can start it with a proper introduction to the other essays by presenting your own point of view. Then, proceed with the critical analysis of different arguments and issues with your own thought and understandings. Wrap up the writing with a small display of your thoughts and opinion again. Article Critique is not a long writing; it is short paper writing on a particular book or essay. At first, you can explain about the author and his presentations before start the critical analysis.

Critique article means not just the criticism. It is actually a particular writing style of the essay where you can evaluate and can identify the exact ideas and thoughts of the author.

What you should identify here:

The reasons and the backgrounds of a particular essay or article and what are the exact topics or thoughts that the article is presenting? What is the exact arguments here that presented by the author?

Matter of Evaluation:

  • How convincingly the arguments presented in the article?
  • What are the exact ideas of the author behind the arguments?
  • How effective and relevant are the arguments along with the topic of the essay?
  • Comparison of the article with other research or article papers on that specific topic.

Respond part:

  • Your assessment of the particular essay
  • Issues of the article that you should point out
  • What are the issues that you can consider?

Article critique is the objective analysis of a scientific or literary writing with some emphasizes. A high-quality article critique is a good presentation of your impressions of the particular article by providing logical evidence to prove your point of views. You need to write it cogently and clearly in a fresh writing manner after reading it thoroughly. To present the article critically, you need to read it critically first. Cheap essay writing service can help you with every process of writing article critique. You should start it by asking some questions to yourself like:

  • What is best for the topic?
  • What is the main purpose of the author?
  • Are the evidence have used properly at right places?
  • What is the methodology present there?
  • Finally, balancing the topic

Real critique article is a hybrid of kindness and honesty and it is never one or the other. The idea behind presenting criticism to others is to help improve the skills without making others distrustful angry of you. So, attempting a critique article is a challenging job and you can do it successfully only with lots of preparations.

Importance of writing article critique for the students

Writing this type of essay is the matter of more involvements because this is not only the summary of the article but discovering the complete inner meaning of the essay. Here, you not only need to analyze the author’s thoughts and ideas but you will get the chance to present your thoughts as well. Best essay writing service can handle the paper for you and write an excellent paper that lets you score best grades for your paper. You need to understand and present the critical description of the article from diverse angles.

Your critique should be objective. So, you need to support your arguments with solid logic and evidence instead of emotions or your inner instincts. To enhance your skill of analysis, you need to read more. It is not just the particular article that you are going to analyze but the overall critique articles as well. With the skill, you will able to identify the weaknesses and strengths of an essay.

  • With the process of writing the critiqued article, you should practice your skills to identify the deeper meaning and ideas of an article.
  • Critique article will help you to develop the knowledge and skills to connect with the experts in the particular field.
  • This type of writing may allow you to join the big academic debate with your specific academic merits and your knowledge.
  • When you are critiquing an article, you may develop your skill to understand more articles at a time. In this discipline, you can contribute more to your future study.
  • Critique article is more a systematic writing and you need to learn the new skill to present your thoughts, ideas in a systematic manner with this type of writing. This skill is very helpful for the students to present their exam answers systematically to score big.
  • Critique article is equally important for the writers in addition, like the students. It may help them to rectify their flaws in writing that they can cover up in future.
  • With the continuous writing of several critique articles, you will begin to find the flawless improvement of your writing style. You will be able to find the errors much quicker than the others and the process will help you to become more confident and better writer.
  • To present a critique article, everyone needs to understand the value of logical thinking because to prove your points on critique article, you need to think logically.
  • Critique article writing may help you to improve your logical thinking. To support your arguments, you need to produce the logic against it.
  • A critique article is a specific exercise to judge the value of the research or a piece of essay. It is a great process for the students to improve their own skills to examine and understand other authors writing.

To write an excellent article critique, a student needs to learn more and carry out a deeper study on particular topic or subject. So, they gain more knowledge and depth on the subject.

Best Guides to Come Up With an Excellent Article Critique

Article critique is a specific genre of writing in the academic career that provides the complete critical evaluation of an essay with the manner of critical analysis. There you need to present a brief summary of the essay with supportive logics. Article Critique may help the audiences to understand the key points of a particular article or the ideas, thoughts, and intentions of the writer. Article critique is very much important to understand the success of the article and also the negative points and the strengths of the writing.

Like the other major academic writing, article critique should write in a specific format and format language. If you don’t know the format, custom essay writing service can help you with it. It should start with a formal introduction, some paragraphs in the body and finally a conclusion. There are also some specific guidelines to format the essay.

For the armature or the experienced, both of the writers have lots to do with the article critique. This is truly encouraging for most of the aspiring writers from every walk of life, creed or race. Article critique is the honest evaluation of an article.

Points to consider first for writing an excellent article critique:

For every student or every writer, it is obvious to follow the instructions or the guidelines. Before gear up for writing, it is recommended to read the article properly, in fairness to the writer. Read the article several times carefully and ask yourself that, is the essay or the article is in proper line with the title? Is the writer has focused enough on the title? How has the topic developed? Is there proper clarification of presentation? Etc. A complete and thorough reading may help you to understand the topic.

  • Mark the texts or the particular portions that you need to revise again. Find out the answers to questions like:
  • What are the points of arguments that the author has presented?
  • Who is the audience here and how effective are the arguments to meet the requirements of the audience? Are the evidence is valid or not? Did the writer have misrepresented the evidence or bias about the audience?
  • Is the writer has reached the conclusive point?


The article should be presented in a right manner, in line with its title. Ideas and thoughts should flow appropriately from one to another paragraph without losing any context. Cheap essay writing service has expert essay writers who are able to come up with Ideas and thoughts in your paper. All the information should be presented here in a coherent manner.

Style and Technique

Writing or presentation style is different for every writer. As you have read the article or the essay to critique, start the process with some impressive and positive impressions by the nifty aspects of the author. Pay more attention to spelling and grammar. Meticulous writers can pay more attention to the style, technique, grammar, and format of the paper.

Present the negative remarks of the writing with an offbeat note unless the article is written poorly or needs a rewrite. Start the writing with a complete impression of a particular article. As a reader find out what worked and what did not work for you. To get more benefit as a writer, find out the points where the writer added interesting turns. Ask yourself that what part of the story has worked for you? What did not work for you? Do you have an intention to read more? Etc. If you are reviewing a novel or the article, present it in a style that the mysteries solved, the character changed and conflicts resolved, etc. With the process, a writer should understand that if she/he has met the expectations of their audience properly.

From a good and honest critique, most of the writers can be benefited.


With your thorough reading, you will find many parts that are important but confusing and inconsistent. Use some unique symbols to differentiate the confusing parts from main parts of the article.

With the symbol giving process, you may mark up the article faster. You can take sometimes to specify your preferable writing style before start writing.

At first, address the major portions of concern. First, open the flawless writing by critiquing the article. Make some paragraphs after introduction with a complete follow-up of your study. Don’t put the points that completely new here or very odd with the subject of the article.

Take notes

When you are overwhelming with expanded thoughts during the reading process, take some notes of it. Take a separate paper or notebook and note all the valuable points that you need to nurture to complete your article critique. Well, you can use your computer or your tab as well to keep the notes.

It is almost impossible to recollect all the points you need to cover in your article.Spend lots of time to write down the observations you have found. You need to put the observations in a complete analytical way.

Develop your concept

Enhance your concept for writing article critique from the vague ideas from different questions. Evaluate the author’s points of view and your arguments after reading it completely.

Make a detailed list of the possible sources from where you can collect the evidence. You can remember other’s point of views to evaluate the article.

Collect evidences

Now start collecting the evidence and ask yourself that if the overall messages are logical? There must be the real world examples or the result of your deep research that you can present on the article as the evidence. If you find collecting evidence is out of your hand, you can ask best essay writing service to write your paper.

There are some ideas to help you out:

At first, prepare a good outline. State the major points of the work and the evidence against every argument. Start the essay with an introduction that what is the approach to your task. Wrap up the introduction portion of a thesis statement.


  • Introduction
  • Details about the topic with your point of view
  • Research background
  • Author’s information
  • Main body

Start with a brief summary of the project including the research aims, a method of the project. Also, add the significance of the title here. Clarity of data is very much important here.


Decide the negative and the positive remarks on the particular subject of the article. Provide only the potential information to make it a high-quality article critique.

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